The Courage to Seek Mature Commitments

Mars & Jupiter are conjoining in Gemini tomorrow, on August 14th & then both squaring Saturn in Pisces (Mars squares Saturn on Thursday the 15th & Jupiter makes the square on the 19th).

You may have started feeling this energy as early as July 20th when Mars entered Gemini. You’ve probably felt it more intensely since August 9th & you’ll continue to feel it until August 25th… at least, this time around.

Saturn and Jupiter meet in a square 2 more times on December 24th & then again in June of 2025, which will continue these themes.

Let’s break this down:

Mars is action & courage, Jupiter is faith & hope, & Saturn is all things weighty & serious.

You may be experiencing tremendous courage to change things that you’ve felt weighed down by & scared to change & ready to step it up a notch & make new commitments.

Mars rules over sharp things & is associated with the ability to sever- to break free. Jupiter represents confidence & hope. In chatty Gemini, this combination square Saturn may make us brave in communicating what we will not tolerate, what we need, & what we desire, despite the emotional toll it may take (Saturn in Pisces being a sensitive, feelings-based sign).

This is not a planetary combination that supports people pleasing. It invites the audacity to speak your truth & have faith that it’s going to be ok, even if it means disappointing people, others feeling hurt, or holding others (or yourself) to a higher standard.

Speaking your truth or saying what you need may invoke conflict or discomfort (Mars). But the square to integral Saturn also suggests that maybe work needs to be done, boundaries may need to be put in place, & accountability needs to be enforced.

This could feel rejecting, lonely, discouraging, or like you’re just not good enough.

Saturn can be harsh and Mars Conjunct Jupiter can be cutting & pompous, so be kind & careful of being overly critical or taking another’s words personally as criticism or rejection. Instead, view this as an opportunity for growth.

Thankfully, the conjunction Mars makes with Jupiter suggests that peace can come from conflict, that growth is possible from honest feedback, & that when we choose a mindset of persistence, hope, & ask for the help we need, obstacles can be overcome & transformation can ensue.

Good is meant to come from this trifold planetary meeting. In order to grow up, we need feedback. We need guidance. We need a critical eye to tell us where we can do better. And Saturn squaring these 2 planets asks us to mature…

mature in the actions we take, mature the mental, emotional, & physical structures we adhere to, & mature in the way we relate to & communicate with others (as Gemini where Mars & Jupiter are meeting IS an air sign, an element all about communication & building bridges with others).

An additional layer of all this is to look at the part of your chart where Mercury is retrograding (in Virgo)- as Mercury RULES the Mars Jupiter meeting in Gemini. This house (& area of life) may be where we are seeking greater changes that reflect a wiser & more serious part of us that is emerging.

I’ve been thinking a lot about home & family-like bonds… how to make long lasting relationships work & commitments that feel sustainable.

Where have you felt this energy so far?

The Wisdom of Attraction & the Gift of Love: Sagittarius Full Moon & Venus conjoins Jupiter in Taurus

On May 23rd, 2024, we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius while Venus and Jupiter make a conjunction in Taurus.

A Full Moon in Sagittarius brings to our attention where we may be seeking answers to big questions, such as, what makes life meaningful to you?

And with Venus, goddess of joy, buddied up with Jupiter, ruler of this Full Moon in Sagittarius, other philosophical questions may surface around what makes you happy. 

Venus, also Queen of love, beauty, & pleasure, begs the question: 

What does a beautiful life look like to you? 

If you don’t know, sit quietly & allow your imagination to ponder. 

Often when we sit and listen, answers come. Our bodies & psyches are wise. 

When we sit still and listen, a knowing arrives.

Venus & Jupiter coming together also brings forgiveness, understanding, & allowing in relationships if there’s been any stickiness, as well as celebration & joy in being with those you love.

Jupiter is where we seek wisdom. And the wisdom of Venus involves paying attention to what we are attracted to. When we don’t pay attention to our attraction- to what we desire-, we can fall into patterns of “should” or habit, which can lead to dissatisfaction, boredom, & even depression. 

Paying attention to what we are drawn to can not only make you happier, it can lead you to where you desire growth.

Hunger is the wisdom of our bodies. Desire is the elixir of life. Longing is the language of the soul. 

What do you want?

The wisdom of Venus is also recognizing that another’s love & attention is always a gift. 

When we need others to love us in a particular way, we fall prey to the potential of disappointment, entitlement, & resentment. We also risk not seeing all the ways we ARE loved. 

We aren’t entitled to another’s love. We can’t make someone else love us, value us, or show us love in the ways we want them to. 

When we try, it is called covert control and ISN’T loving. We can certainly make requests, however.

True love isn’t wanting. It’s Seeing… not only is it seeing & admiring the beauty of a beloved, it’s seeing oneself as God through the mirror of another. 

Connecting to a more expansive & authentic you: Venus Conjunct Uranus & the Sun Conjunct Jupiter

Tomorrow (Saturday, May 18th 2024), Venus conjoins with Uranus & the Sun meets up with Jupiter- all in the sign of Taurus.

This is significant because Venus is the ruler of Taurus, a sign that has 5 planets in it currently (Sun, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, & of course, the lady Venus herself). Thus, Venus has a huge say over what the other planets are doing. She’s the Queen of the land and her rule goes.

When she comes into contact with Uranus, a planet of unexpected change, chaos, & revelation, Venusian themes go through a rumbling of sorts, which may feel unsettling, but which will ultimately result in a more authentic Venus.

Venus themes include: relationships, collaborations, beauty, art, pleasure, joy, sex, style, & our values.

Perhaps you’re experiencing some tumultuous energy in relationships, in the hopes of finding a more genuine way of relating.

Maybe you’re struggling with how to stylistically express yourself & you’re craving a change in how you look.

It could be that you’re struck with an ingenious art idea & find sudden inspiration for creating something new.

Whatever change needs to happen, the results should be ultimately good (even if rocky), especially if the changes we are making are reflecting more of our values.

What DO you value in your connections with others?

How can you find NEW ways to relax & experience joy?

How CAN you allow yourself to experience beauty?

If we are true to ourselves, everything else can fall into place.

And if Taurus teaches us anything, it’s how to stop and smell the roses.

How can you cultivate greater presence & patience with a slower, more delicious pace?

The Sun joining Jupiter also indicates a renewal of faith in a world that provides.

Taurus is the season in the northern hemisphere where nature is alive & gardens are thriving!

What wants to grow in your world? Often growth happens when we believe in possibility… when we can imagine a more beautiful reality or way of being.

And if we have control over anything, it’s our mindset.

Use this time for expanding your view of what could be on the horizon… for we see only what we create room to see.

Venus square Pluto: Finding the Roots of Love & Peace

Venus in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius today.

Pluto urges whatever is hidden to come up for light, for fresh air, for being seen in the brightness of the day.

Venus is love- who we love, what we love, and how we express it. Venus is our sense of self worth and value.

This aspect has really brought up a lot for me about what it means to love, feel loved, and where the roots of hatred and violence stem.

There is so much war, violence, and hatred in this world right now.

I believe that when we hate others, we are hating ourselves- the parts of ourselves we’ve rejected or denied. Similarly, what we judge in others, we judge in ourselves.

What Pluto is helping me unearth is that loving ourselves (Venus) really is the path to peace. Because when we fight out of hatred, we are forging violence against the parts of ourselves we hate through projected form… the parts of ourselves we’ve outcast.

Thank you Bly for helping me to learn this lesson from your wise mind.

On the personal level, when we don’t feel loved or accepted by another person and it hurts- AND we keep seeking love & approval from others but still continuously feel rejected or unaccepted, it makes me wonder about the ways we are not loving or accepting ourselves.

Seeking love outside of the self is like seeking to feel full when watching someone else eat.

It doesn’t make sense. It won’t work. It’ll just leave us hungry and salivating.

We need to be able to put the food into our own mouths and swallow.

Sure, we can be food for each other. Snacks, horderves, appetizers. We can fill each other up some, but first and foremost, we need to be able to feed ourselves, and then leave room for dessert from our loves.

How can you feed yourself and love the parts of you that are seeking love and acceptance outside of yourself?

Hint* I’ve found that staying true to your values is one ingredient to loving yourself.

When we come to relationships from a place of wholeness, we have more to give rather than showing up as hungry ghosts.

It is only when we come from a place of wholeness and self-love that satiation in relationships can be experienced & true partnerships can form.

Mercury stations Direct & Mars conjoins Neptune

Feeling wonky, sad, or overwhelmed?

This could be contributing:

Mercury stationed direct yesterday (April 25th), which is a time when things might stop working & there may be miscommunications as well as delays.

When Mercury slows to a stop to change direction, lots of things do too. It’s ultimately a time to fix what’s not been working & upgrade to a better system.

As Mercury starts moving forward again, so do we with the things we’ve been mulling over and reviewing since March 20th, when Mercury entered its shadow. These are Aries themes, as well as themes connected to your Aries house in your birth chart.

Some Aries themes you may have been reflecting on include:

-taking a risk or doing something that takes courage

-starting something new

-sex and sexuality


-striking out on your own

Another reason things may feel off is that Mars, the god of war, action, & ruler of Mercury in Aries, is approaching a conjunction with Neptune, god of dreams, loss, compassion, the oceans, and the vast oneness that permeates all things.

This aspect will perfect on Sunday, April 28th.

As such, your motivation to get things done might be waning & there may be more of a sense of being adrift at sea while there are lots of things to do on shore.

There could also be a greater sense of sadness or grief to be explored. The woes of the world may feel more present than ever.

Mars is inherently severing, urging us to go at it alone. And when Mars contacts Neptune, a planet that urges us to merge and move towards the unseen thread that connects us to each other & to everything else, it can be especially hurtful to feel cut off from the places connection or union aren’t available, where love or desire isn’t expressed, & where our needs for being deeply seen & soulfully contacted haven’t been met.

Mars reflects our anger as well. Rage or anger could be surfacing if our vital needs for safety and connection have been threatened along with a feeling of helplessness or hopelessness that there’s nowhere for it to go.

Breathe. Be with the part of you that hasn’t felt seen, met, or valued. You’re not alone.

Try to:

-chill out & find a healthy way to escape

-be with your feelings & pay attention to your boundaries

-be near water

-find someone to be with who is soulful & can reach your depths

-meditate/find a creative flow state

-move slowly & gently explore

-cuddle & ground

-help someone out (without becoming a martyr)

Why this Scorpio Full Moon is Important for Healing

Feeling big emotions during this Scorpio Full Moon?

Here’s why:

Scorpio is a water sign, an element all about our feelings. AND, Scorpio is a time of year in the northern hemisphere (middle of Autumn) when everything is dying and going to seed, making Scorpio attuned to death, loss, & the sense of there not being enough of that which we need to survive.

This could be food. This could be money. This could be love.

This means that folks with lots of Scorpio in their charts, a sign familiar with death, the limits of resources, and the big emotions attached to those things, are great people to have by your side when you’re in crisis or when you need emotional support. They instinctively know what to do.

It also means that folks with lots of Scorpio in their charts may be more sensitive to scarcity & therefore have a nervous system that expects things to end, people to leave, & for people to lie, in order to survive the big long winter where scarcity is a real risk to survival.

With a Full Moon happening in Scorpio, we all collectively get a taste of what having our own Moon in Scorpio might be like… we all get a taste of the Scorpio experience.

Maybe you’ve been feeling sensitive to being abandoned, rejected, betrayed, or are grieving something. It could be that you feel anger, rage, sadness, or fearful.

Whatever it is you’re feeling, be with the emotions, honor them, & hold the part of you that maybe never got certain needs met in early life. Those are often what we project onto situations in the present, because we didn’t know how to grieve them back then.

It might be best to not make big decisions during this Scorpio Full Moon if possible.

This is because our feelings may be heightened to be bigger than usual- and while it’s important to listen to our feelings, as they reflect whether or not we are getting our deepest needs met, sometimes when we have big feelings, they are reactions to things happening NOW that remind us of bigger wounds from our PAST, which means that the way we are interpreting events and situations may not be as they seem.

Thus, this Full Moon is an excellent time for emotional processing and healing wounds from our past, but not necessarily for moving forward, making decisions, or making big changes. At least not YET!

The feelings triggered during this Full Moon is important information to be reflected on. The time to move forward with things is next week, after Mars heads into Aries and Mercury is finally moving forwards again.

More on that later.

Full Moon in Scorpio: Emotional Purging & Tending to our Big Deep Feelings

We have a Full Moon in Scorpio square Pluto on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

The Moon is what’s known as in her “fall” in Scorpio, meaning moon/lunar things are more difficult.

This means that instead of being able to experience comfort, as the Moon would prefer to do, the Moon must be uncomfortable. Instead of feeling nourished emotionally or physically as the Moon would prefer to feel, she may feel dissatisfied or malnourished in those ways. Instead of Luna being warm and embracing, she may be cold & stark.

The Moon represents our emotions. Thus, we may experience emotions that are challenging, whether it’s due to unexpressed grief, anger, or despair. We may also feel exhausted & dissatisfied with the way we’ve been going about something. Whatever comes up, this Full Moon in Scorpio is about purging.

This could be literal purging (hopefully not!) or psychological transformation through emotional release of feelings that have either been stuck or not expressed.

Scorpio waters run deep. Additionally, the ruler of Scorpio, Mars, is in another water sign (Pisces) next to Neptune, god of the seas. When we are working with so much water, an element all about emotion, we don’t move quickly or plan to be very social. We go slow, we ebb and flow, and we feel.

We feel our own emotions and extend compassion to the sorrows of others.

Scorpio is also quite good at uncovering what’s been hidden. And with a tense square to Pluto, lord of the underworld, we may find ourselves overwhelmed with old repressed material, darkness from our past or in the world, or what we simply haven’t been able to face.

We may also be uncovering power dynamics, issues relating to justice, secrets, or doing a big data dive into what’s been kept under wraps, whether in the world, with others, or within ourselves.

This full moon has an obsessive quality to it, so give yourself a break when it comes to psychologically analyzing everyone, getting into a research wormhole, or unmucking your real or metaphorical inbox or closet.

While the gifts of this Full Moon is a deep dive and instinctual cleaning out of old dusty cobwebs, it can indicate a time to rest & let go.

Sun in Taurus squares Pluto in Aquarius: Underlying Tensions & Anxieties Revealed

Although the Jupiter Uranus conjunction has us starting off on a new seeding moment of courageously trying new things and taking leaps of faith, the Sun in Taurus is forming a square to penetrative Pluto in Aquarius today (April 21st), giving us a more intense and perhaps anxiety-inducing feel.

Pluto is a planet about what’s beneath the surface & what has yet to be revealed. It can speak to where we feel a sense of crisis, insecurity, or heaviness and what underlying tensions are present. 

It’s a good time to be honest & vulnerable with those you care about, ask for care & reassurance if you need it, & probe deeply into anything that may be unsettled inside of you.

It could also be a good time to address problems that you’ve been sweeping under the rug or ignoring. Pluto has a critical eye for the unsaid and unexamined. 

That being said, Pluto can also heighten insecurities that are rooted in the imagination or in the lens of our past.

Regardless of whether the monsters are real or not, it’s a good time to:

-recognize any unsettling or uncomfortable emotions

-highlight where they are coming from, even if the stories are from a warped view of reality from your own triggers

-communicate your experience to someone trustworthy (without making assumptions or engaging in blame-behavior)

-be with yourself

-be with others and their big scary feelings too 

And if questions or thoughts that feel of life or death stakes come up, be with those as well. 

This could be a time that you create safety around being vulnerable in your relationships, as you learn to lean on those you love and ask for what you need. 

Venus Conjunct Mercury (still retrograde)

This week, we are talking about relationships, art, collaborations, and what our needs in connections with others are.

Mercury (still retrograde) conjoined with Chiron on Monday, which had our conversations circle back to something that is sensitive or something that hurts. Tomorrow, Venus and Mercury meet up, which creates a balm for the wound and sweet words to soothe any remaining tensions or anxieties.

Mercury-Venus may also just have you busy buzzing around to different social groups, catching up with old & new friends, & getting your flirt on!

Venus is the goddess of love & connection, you see.

Mercury retrogrades are time for reflecting. This time, we are reflecting on Venus-in-Aries themes (which means, doing Venus boldly and loudly).

It is a good time to courageously:

-write anything artful or beautiful such as poetry, songs, or stories

-collaborate/work with others/network

-think about and communicate your values and needs in relationships

-think about how you want to spend, use, or save your money

-reflect on what’s beautiful, attractive, enjoyable, sensual, connective, & on what brings joy

It’s likely taking risks in these departments will pay off as Jupiter, planet of abundance, meets up with Uranus, planet of our-of-the-box thinking by the end of the week.

More on that later.

Mars Conjunct Saturn: Sustainable Dream-Building

Mars is approaching a conjunction with Saturn, which will be exact next Wednesday, April 10th. You may have noticed this energy since March 22nd, when Mars entered Pisces.

Mars is a planet that likes to go fast, get things done, and take swift action. Saturn is a planet that also likes to get things done, but in a much slower more steady manner. This can create a highly productive mood, but also one where we must chip away at something slowly and with sustainability in mind. 

Pisces is a sign of the magical, mystical, spiritual, and the compassionate. The intelligence of Pisces is to dream and then let be, allowing things to come together naturally and in a flow-like manner. 

This could create some anxiety for folks who like more control or need to plan everything out, but if you can just relax, let go, and not try too hard, you just might find you’ll do better than you would if you followed a strict regimen. And, it’ll be less stressful & more enjoyable.

Perhaps you’ve been working on a project focused on helping others. Or maybe it’s a creative endeavor that involves intuition and flow states of mind. It could be that you’re constructing something that takes a lot of imagination and that has multiple components. Pisces is a mutable sign, signifying the end of Winter. Mutable signs need multiplicity, change, and lots of texture! Whatever it is you’re working on, Mars demands doing and Saturn demands doing it well & being precise.

Just be wary of compassion fatigue & burnout.

If Mars is the gas pedal, then Saturn is the brakes.

It’s a good idea to pause and rest, create a (loose) structure for the long haul, and be strategic about breaks and self-care if you have a lot to do this week.

Pisces reminds us that we don’t need to rush… that often the best works of art, imagination, & healing endeavors come when we relax and allow the form to reveal itself, ready to be born into shape through intuition & listening. 

Venus and Neptune in Pisces: Love, loss, awe, & the need for clarifying boundaries

Venus, goddess of love, beauty, agreements, and art is making a conjunction with foggy, dreamy, and elusive Neptune in Pisces today, on April 3rd, 2024.

You may have noticed this energy for the last couple of weeks, since Venus entered the sign of magical and flowing Pisces on March 12th, 2024. 

This might have had you idealistic in love, seeing others through the lens of rose-colored glasses, and enamored by the beauty of another. Venus-Neptune coming together can enhance this sentiment, allowing us to feel and see the divinity of others, and engage in a higher sort of love- a love that knows no bounds and that is compassionate & accepting.

This aspect begs the question, what does it mean to love? How can you show love to others? 

Pisces teaches us love through acceptance and allowing- allowing others to be who they are and accepting where they’re at with empathy & understanding.  

While rose-colored glasses are pretty and fun, they can also mean we aren’t seeing others clearly, which can be disappointing and unfair. Putting another on a pedestal isn’t love. It’s a self-indulgent illusion, as we aren’t willing to see the other as a human being, with flaws and imperfections just like everyone else. This is Venus & Neptune at their worst.

This pair coming together could also signify a sense of confusion in partnerships. While it’s beautiful & necessary (according to Pisces) to ebb and flow in relationships, containers can create security. Clarifying boundaries and agreements can help de-mystify the fog and create safety where one can harmlessly fluctuate and vacillate. 

Even fish, while they have the entirety of the ocean to wander through, have homes and safe havens.

What do you need to feel safe and secure in relationships? What desires, boundaries, and fears are present? What agreements do you want to make with others?

Finally, Venus & Neptune coming together in Pisces gives us a sense of yearning for one-ness & unity- whether that be through connections with others or from meditation, music, poetry, dance, or art- this aspect asks us to let go of control and the illusion of separation and merge with something greater than ourselves. 

Venus and Neptune in Pisces ask us to be in Awe- of the great mystery, of the great wonder, of the beauty that exists and inundates us every day. 

What are you in Awe of? 

Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Rebalancing Love, Beauty, & Coherence

Today, a Lunar Eclipse in Libra visits us at 5 degrees of Libra.

Eclipses are times of great change. Libra is a sign of justice, judgment, beauty, peace, agreements, & relationships.

Whatever has been out of balance in your life regarding these topics is about to be placed on the scales and reconfigured more evenly.

Expect endings and beginnings to take place regarding the topics of the house with Libra on the cusp.

If this is an angle house for you (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house), expect the changes to be major. If you have your Sun or Moon in Libra, expect the changes to be significant as well regarding life direction, your identity, home, body, and emotional needs.

This isn’t the beginning of the story, however. This is chapter 2 of changes that started back in October of 2023. Chapter 3 will be in October of 2024.

What happened for you back in October that has to do with relationships, beauty, balance, justice, & love?

Peace was largely disturbed in the world at this time by genocide and war & still is. South node eclipses in Libra reveal what has been out of balance- what is not peaceful, beautiful, or just. South Node Eclipses in Libra tell tales of what needs to end to bring harmony back into our lives and into our world.

War needs to end. Violence needs to end. What’s beautiful and peaceful needs to be reinstated.

While this is the 2nd part to what began or was ending back in October of 2023, the conditions of this Eclipse are quite different than they were then. Back then, Venus was in her Fall in Virgo (meaning, Venus-themes struggled). Additionally, the Sun and Mars were in Libra, where they are both strained, suggesting difficulty with self-assertion, protection, & conflict.

This is all to say that the conditions for the October 2023 Eclipse weren’t easy. This time, they are much better.

Venus is exalted in Pisces (aka, we have more access to Venus qualities) and just made helpful contact to benevolent Jupiter.

While I can’t say what effect this might have on the War in Gaza, this does suggest that part 2 of these changes will be easeful- and hopefully bring greater connection, beauty, balance, & coherence to your world.

Venus Conjunct Saturn in Pisces: Joyously Bound to What We Love

Venus joins up with Saturn in Pisces, tomorrow on Thursday March 21st, but you may have noticed Venus-Saturn themes all week.

Venus is the goddess of love, relationships, and how we connect. Saturn is a planet about responsibility, duty, and commitment. When these 2 planets come together, they bring up questions about love and responsibility and how we can commit to the things or people that bring us joy.

Responsibility can have lots of negative connotations. Many people feel bound by responsibility- tied up or weighed down by what they have to do. And sometimes, we do have to do things we don’t want to do. Duty isn’t always fun or easy, but it doesn’t have to always be a drag.

Venus and Saturn coming together in dreamy Pisces asks for a different relationship to our responsibilities.

Can what we commit to be a reflection of what we love? And can our commitments and responsibilities reflect a vision we feel inspired by, something that Pisces asks us to consider?

Responsibility is about responding to something with care. Instead of framing our responsibilities as obligations, what if we thought about them as, “I GET to respond to this thing that I care about”.

When we love deeply, responsibility to those things, people, or causes becomes a gift rather than a chore. “I GET to commit to this because I WANT to- because I was so moved or touched by something or someone that I want to RESPOND”.

This is how we feel emotionally moved or inspired to take responsibility.

Some questions to consider are:

Do you love the things you’re committed to? Do your loves & desires call you to commit?

And if you really have to do something that isn’t fun or that you feel tied down by, what are ways to find more ease in it?

Are your commitments something you actually have to do or are your brain gremlins telling you that you “should” do these things? (Also, often a parental voice)

When we can free ourselves from the burdens of obligation, “shoulds”, or joyless duty, we can find pleasure in the mundane and freedom in the container that loving from an open heart gently places us in.

#astrologyofmarch2024 #venusconjunctsaturn #venusconjunctsaturninpisces

A Mercury, Saturn, Sun conjunction in Pisces: Seeing the Real Dream Soberly

On Wednesday, February 28th, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn all come together in a conjunction in Pisces.

Pisces is a sign about dreams, emotion, and imagination. When planets meet up in the sign of Pisces, they must carry out the Piscean mission- to imagine a more beautiful world.

Pisces wants the most ideal, most perfect, most glamorous situation, which can sometimes mean not accepting things as they really are.

When any planets come into a conjunction with the Sun, something about those planet’s significations becomes illuminated. In this case, we gain insights around Mercury and Saturn themes.

Mercury is a planet about the mind and communications. Saturn represents boundaries as well as what we are committed to- and any difficulties we must overcome or succumb to.

With this triple pairing, we may be arriving at a new understanding around what our natural limits are, what we want to commit to, and how to communicate all of it- in a very Piscean fashion.

What vision is worth the heavy lifting of showing up every day?

What ideal do you long for that will take time and work?

When we listen to the fine-tuning of ourselves and what we naturally want to birth into the world, we automate a container through which to achieve these things.

Thus, this transit can help in having mental clarity around what you want to dedicate yourself to.


You may have conversations with others around boundaries, commitments, responsibilities, and limits- perhaps in a relationship, with a friend or family member, or maybe at work.

Maybe you’re having to come to terms with the reality of a situation, accepting what IS rather than what you want something (or someone) to be.

Sometimes the Astrology reflects things that happen to us, outside of our sphere of influence. Perhaps you receive news that is weighty, serious, or that requires careful consideration. Or maybe you’re given feedback that feels harsh or mean.

Saturn also represents restraint, fear, loss, death, and rejection. This could be an opportunity to recognize beliefs and stories we tell ourselves that weigh us down.

We may learn about the ways we protect ourselves against rejection and loss, or ways that we are driven by fear.

People-pleasing is one way we protect ourselves from loss. If I can manipulate and control another person in whether they like me or not, I can guarantee I won’t be rejected or lose the relationship.

Co-dependence (a quality Pisces can struggle with) is also a response to the fear of loss… “if only this person was better in these ways, I would be ok” or “I need this person to be ok so that I can be ok & feel good”.

Covert control is one way we protect ourselves against loss, but it reflects more of the potential we see in others rather than the reality of who they are right now.

Pisces is great at seeing what could be and therefore can struggle with self-deception, which in turn can create feelings of anger and bitterness of being let down or disappointed.

Saturn, Mercury, and the Sun coming together can help us see ourselves, others, and the world more clearly. While that could feel like a disappointment, being grounded in what’s solid, real, & honest is the way we can achieve the real fantasy that Pisces longs for.

#astrologyoffebruary2024 #sunsaturnmercuryconjunction

Mars Conjunct Pluto & Venus Conjunct Mars: A Time of Courage & Action in Matters of the Heart

Mars entered Aquarius and conjoined Pluto on February 13th, 2024.

Mars is initiative, motivation, and anger. Mars helps you go after what you want and protects you from what you don’t want.

Pluto is a planet that wants to delve deeper and get to the bottom of things. Pluto is where we feel out of control, where we feel a sense of crisis, and where we may be intensely focused.

Pluto is also a planet that demands transformational change.

With these two planets combining, you may have noticed more obsessive-compulsive tendencies - behaviors that you just can’t seem to stop or have any control over.

Maybe you’ve questioned more deeply your motives for doing something.

Power dynamics may have revealed themselves through conflict, forcing you to stand up for yourself or see where you’ve been the bully.

You may have gotten to the bottom of where any anger you’ve been experiencing is stemming from.

Perhaps you’ve noticed a more powerful sex drive or an intense desire for something or someone.

There may be something about how you assert yourself that is undergoing an alchemical process or that has had to be closely examined.

Now that Venus, goddess of love, beauty, & pleasure has entered Aquarius, she’s on the chase for Mars.

When these 2 lovers meet in the skies come February 22nd, lovers on earth may also come together.

Venus Mars combinations bring passionate desire and attraction, action towards what’s beautiful & ideal, the impulse to create and harmonize, as well as the courage to pursue what’s pleasurable and attractive.

When Venus and Mars comes together, we’re reminded that it takes initiative and bravery to live an aesthetic life according to our most cherished values…

even when those values may be offbeat or unconventional, as only Aquarius would have it.

#marsconjunctpluto #venusconjunctmars #astrologyoffebruary2024

Revelations about what we value & how we love: Venus conjoins Pluto & Mercury squares Uranus

On Saturday, February 17th, Venus has a date with the lord of the underworld (Pluto).

Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, & pleasure.

Pluto is a planet that wants to delve deeper and get to the bottom of things. Pluto is where we feel out of control, where we feel a sense of crisis, and where we may be intensely focused.

Pluto is also a planet that demands transformational change.

You may notice a passionate attraction to someone or something OR perhaps you’re on the receiving end of the attraction. And you could undergo a transformation from the love you feel or the love you receive.

Eros is thick in the air and while we are called to love fiercely and deeply, we are also called to uncover the origins of this feeling (usually rooted in childhood & the ways our caregivers did or didn’t show their love).

What does feeling enamored with someone mean to you?

Where do you feel it in your body?

What does it remind you of?

What does it inspire in you?

This could be a time to delve deeper into the underlying reasons for your attraction to someone, as well as to simply enjoy it!

Venus-Pluto dynamics can be either intensely pleasurable or intensely painful, as we may be called to let go of something in service to becoming something new.

Pluto-Venus may also have you in a tizzy working on an art project, obsessing over how you look, or contemplating what is beautiful to you, and how you may want to change these ideals or have these ideals transform you.

On the day before (Friday, the 16th), Mercury, planet of the mind and communications, makes a dynamic square to Uranus, god of upheavals and unexpected change.

We may receive surprising news or have a sudden change of mind— perhaps in relation to love, sex, relationships, beauty, our values, and what it is we consider fun.

Be open to revelations and insights. Be open to changing your mind. And remain curious about the power of love or intense passion, as its flames can be all enveloping before we rise out of the ashes.

#venusconjunctpluto #mercurysquareuranus #astrologyoffebruary2024

Pluto enters Aquarius: Pain as an Alchemical Process

Pluto entered Aquarius on Saturday, January 20th along with the Sun, highlighting where it is we may feel intense emotions, perhaps a sense of crisis, and where we may need to make a big change (over time) as a result.

Pluto transits, while often experienced as difficult, make us confront things that have been lurking beneath the surface, forcing us to make long-needed transformations.

Pluto transits often make us face our pain, anger, traumas, untrue beliefs, and help us to be honest about deep desires as a result.

Here are some thoughts on how to be with big, scary emotions and particularly on how to be with our pain.

Our society holds a collective belief that pain is bad and we shouldn’t experience it.

When we aren’t numbing pain with pharmaceuticals or screens, we are by staying busy, over-eating, under-eating, shopping, doing drugs,  avoiding, etc. you get the point.

And I’m not saying that we shouldn’t help others or ourselves get out of pain if we need to. This is more about emotional/psychological pain.

The irony is… what if by avoiding pain, we cause more pain?

I also want to say that feeling or not feeling our pain isn’t always a choice. We are biologically wired to find what’s safe. And our bodies and psyches feel threatened by pain, so it’s quite normal that we would want to avoid it. It’s not just our society that says pain is bad- it’s also a nervous system reflex.

While we often avoid our pain unconsciously as a reflex/reaction, we do have a choice in practicing a widening of our window of tolerance for discomfort. The more we create room for all the range of feeling, including pain, the more resilient we can be in a world where pain and hurt are realities.

As I have begun opening my heart up more and more to all my feelings and parts of myself, I have noticed an increase in pain (& love- and other emotions!). And my reaction in the past (and still sometimes is) is to distract and don’t feel, which creates a numbness instead… leading to depression. The belief was “I can’t feel it- it’s too much for me”. But I’m starting to create a different story.

I am starting to feel grateful for my pain because it means I am alive. The more I am not identified with my feelings or my experience… the more I don’t see them as bad or something to avoid, the more I can practice being WITH them. And being with me.

As a highly sensitive person, I’ve always been attuned to other people’s pain. This made me sad because I was functioning under the belief that they shouldn’t have to feel bad. And that maybe I should help reduce or eliminate their pain.

An internalized belief like this is scary. Talk about co-dependence- a covert way of controlling others’ experience so that I CAN BE OK.

I am realizing I don’t need to stop my own pain or others’ pain. That in fact, I may be doing folks a disservice by trying to do so.

If I rescued people from their pain, I’d be taking away their sweet sweet alchemical process. Pain is how we can transform. It’s how we can move big energy. It’s how we can birth into new, more true ways of being.

Because of this, I want to help myself and others experience their pain. Be with their pain. For this is how we heal- this is how we live a full life.

And I’m not saying anyone has to or should heal. I’m not on that toxic ever-improvement, never healed/never good enough train. No, we get to choose.

We get to choose whether we feel or not…How much we feel or dissociate (although that isn’t always a choice). And we always get to experience the consequences or results of what we set ourselves up for or what we’ve chosen (or not chosen) in the past.

There’s no morality lesson here. No “you should feel your pain” message.

This is simply a reflection. Maybe an invitation. To see what it’s like. Try on a new belief that pain isn’t bad. That you can hold your pain. That it’s worth it- and that maybe the results heed the journey.

Maybe instead of saying to people “I’m sorry you’re in so much pain”, we could reframe by saying “I know you can make it through this”.

Sometimes all we need is a little encouragement. To be told that we can do it.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll have Mercury, Mars, and Venus conjoin Pluto. Keep these dates in mind: February 4th, February 12th, and February 16th, give or take a few days on either side.

We may experience similar flare-ups of intense emotion, perhaps facing some pain from old wounds, and therefore need to be in deep process.

My invitation is to be with yourself. Journal. Find a therapist or guide of sorts. Turn towards instead of away. Process the emotions. Feel them in your body. (And all this is way easier said than done!).

You may just find that there has been gold underneath your pain the whole time, that will enrich your life with an endless amount of internal resources that can’t be taken away.

Mercury Retrograde conjunct Mars & Square Neptune: Having the Courage to Question Distorted Thinking & Communicate Honestly

Now that Mercury, planet of the mind and communications, is back in Sagittarius, it approaches a conjunction with Mars while being in a square with Neptune.

This is tricky territory.

Mars is a planet about taking action. Neptune is a a planet about dreams, illusion, & mystery. The 23rd to the 27th could make you feel like you need to make moves NOW while unsure of where to go.

Heightened feelings of anxiety could be more present than usual due to illogical thinking. Be wary of your mind playing devilish tricks on you. Take note of thinking errors. Try and communicate as clearly as possible and make a list of what you know to be true- the facts. Let all other stories go.

Be mindful of fighting words or trying to be decisive too soon. Consider that you don’t have all the information or that there’s a misunderstanding.

Patience is key. We may be in the fog for a while, and that’s ok.

Neptune is also a planet about compassion & vision. Mars is the warrior, who defends and protects. This is a good time to be thinking about what you want to fight for and why. Strategize, but don’t necessarily act on your convictions, as you may be missing another perspective.

Mars also cuts & stings. And Mercury retrograde square Neptune can indicate difficult mental health states.

Where are your thoughts taking you? It’s a good time to question their validity & to reach out to others if you’re wrestling with inner demons. It’s brave & vulnerable to do so, something Mars is a teacher of.

On the other hand, be courageous in showing your care. Reach out to those you think may be struggling. Tell the truth to another about how you feel. Apologize. Be humble. Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius can tempt us to be arrogant- to think we know the Truth.

Neptune in Pisces reminds us that at the end of the day, we don’t know anything…

That all we have for “truth” is the subjectivity of our emotions & mysteries of our heart’s longings.

And if we can’t boldly and honestly share our feelings with each other, then not only can trust never be developed, something Neptune tests us with, but a higher love can never be shared.

It takes audacity to express love. How will you show it?

Venus opposite Uranus: Waking us up to our Values and Authentic Expression

Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and our values opposes Uranus, the planet of unexpected change, turnarounds, and freedom on Thursday, December 18th.

Venus in Scorpio is in her detriment, and therefore isn’t the most comfortable, suggesting some difficulty in the areas that she represents. Instead of leisurely and easily enjoying herself as the Goddess would prefer, Venus may have you working harder than usual to get to life's true pleasures.

For instance, maybe she insists you develop healthier habits for yourself, like a daily yoga or meditation practice, or cut out things in your everyday life that haven’t been serving you.

Relationship issues may suddenly reveal themselves, as Scorpio isn’t a sign for letting anything slide without scrutiny and the honest truth.

This aspect may be waking you up to values that have been deeply buried. Perhaps you realize the ways you have or haven’t been living by those values.

It could be you’re coming to a new understanding around more authentic ways of expressing yourself- whether through style or fashion, art, romance or sex, or in connections in general with others.

This transit will likely have you feeling a sense of urgency to make changes right now.

Breathe. Take note of what’s arising for you. Observe reactions you might have or behaviors you feel inclined to indulge in. Maybe write them down or say them out loud. You can ask for support if need be- maybe from a friend or family member, an animal, a deity, or any nature that’s around you.

Be mindful of making rash decisions that aren’t well thought-out, but consider making a plan or contemplating how you can incorporate these newfound insights around values, love, connection, expression, and beauty into your life in slower, more sustainable ways.

While Venus-Uranus combinations can feel jarring, it’s a time to be honest with yourself and others about what you need and want in relationships, what rituals and practices can aid you in your enjoyment of life, what you might need to cut out or work on, and what you’re doing or not doing to live a life in accordance to your most cherished values.

#venusoppositeuranus #astrologyofdecember2023

Sun square Neptune

The Sun made a square to nebulous Neptune today (Dec 16th, 2023), but you may have noticed this energy throughout the last week.

Squares (90 degree angles) bring out the more difficult elements of a planet or can indicate something we’re wrestling with. Thus, squares to Neptune, a planet about our dreams, visions, and yearnings, can signify disappointment, grief or loss, and glamorizing something so much that we’re not seeing the situation clearly and thus, our judgment is impaired.

You may have been asking yourself, “what do I long for?” or “what is purposeful to me?”.

The Sun is our conscious awareness and our light. When in difficult relationship with Neptune, sometimes our brightness is diminished, which can impact our health. Maybe you have felt extra tired this last week or sick, even.

Neptune is also a planet about compassion, forgiveness, emotion, and seeing the world as it COULD be- maybe you reconcile with someone today, as you’re better able to empathize with what they’re feeling or vice versa.

This aspect could have had you feeling inspired and ready to work towards something that others might deem unrealistic or naive. Or it might have you asking the question, why try? What’s the point?

Neptune asks us, what is a world without dreams? Without imagination, how can anything become a reality?

Although we may feel as though we are lost at sea sometimes, Neptune’s ocean waves can take us to where we need to go if we just let go & float on.

#astrologyofdecember2023 #sunsquareneptune #sunsquareneptunetransit