Why this Scorpio Full Moon is Important for Healing

Feeling big emotions during this Scorpio Full Moon?

Here’s why:

Scorpio is a water sign, an element all about our feelings. AND, Scorpio is a time of year in the northern hemisphere (middle of Autumn) when everything is dying and going to seed, making Scorpio attuned to death, loss, & the sense of there not being enough of that which we need to survive.

This could be food. This could be money. This could be love.

This means that folks with lots of Scorpio in their charts, a sign familiar with death, the limits of resources, and the big emotions attached to those things, are great people to have by your side when you’re in crisis or when you need emotional support. They instinctively know what to do.

It also means that folks with lots of Scorpio in their charts may be more sensitive to scarcity & therefore have a nervous system that expects things to end, people to leave, & for people to lie, in order to survive the big long winter where scarcity is a real risk to survival.

With a Full Moon happening in Scorpio, we all collectively get a taste of what having our own Moon in Scorpio might be like… we all get a taste of the Scorpio experience.

Maybe you’ve been feeling sensitive to being abandoned, rejected, betrayed, or are grieving something. It could be that you feel anger, rage, sadness, or fearful.

Whatever it is you’re feeling, be with the emotions, honor them, & hold the part of you that maybe never got certain needs met in early life. Those are often what we project onto situations in the present, because we didn’t know how to grieve them back then.

It might be best to not make big decisions during this Scorpio Full Moon if possible.

This is because our feelings may be heightened to be bigger than usual- and while it’s important to listen to our feelings, as they reflect whether or not we are getting our deepest needs met, sometimes when we have big feelings, they are reactions to things happening NOW that remind us of bigger wounds from our PAST, which means that the way we are interpreting events and situations may not be as they seem.

Thus, this Full Moon is an excellent time for emotional processing and healing wounds from our past, but not necessarily for moving forward, making decisions, or making big changes. At least not YET!

The feelings triggered during this Full Moon is important information to be reflected on. The time to move forward with things is next week, after Mars heads into Aries and Mercury is finally moving forwards again.

More on that later.