Today, a Lunar Eclipse in Libra visits us at 5 degrees of Libra.
Eclipses are times of great change. Libra is a sign of justice, judgment, beauty, peace, agreements, & relationships.
Whatever has been out of balance in your life regarding these topics is about to be placed on the scales and reconfigured more evenly.
Expect endings and beginnings to take place regarding the topics of the house with Libra on the cusp.
If this is an angle house for you (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house), expect the changes to be major. If you have your Sun or Moon in Libra, expect the changes to be significant as well regarding life direction, your identity, home, body, and emotional needs.
This isn’t the beginning of the story, however. This is chapter 2 of changes that started back in October of 2023. Chapter 3 will be in October of 2024.
What happened for you back in October that has to do with relationships, beauty, balance, justice, & love?
Peace was largely disturbed in the world at this time by genocide and war & still is. South node eclipses in Libra reveal what has been out of balance- what is not peaceful, beautiful, or just. South Node Eclipses in Libra tell tales of what needs to end to bring harmony back into our lives and into our world.
War needs to end. Violence needs to end. What’s beautiful and peaceful needs to be reinstated.
While this is the 2nd part to what began or was ending back in October of 2023, the conditions of this Eclipse are quite different than they were then. Back then, Venus was in her Fall in Virgo (meaning, Venus-themes struggled). Additionally, the Sun and Mars were in Libra, where they are both strained, suggesting difficulty with self-assertion, protection, & conflict.
This is all to say that the conditions for the October 2023 Eclipse weren’t easy. This time, they are much better.
Venus is exalted in Pisces (aka, we have more access to Venus qualities) and just made helpful contact to benevolent Jupiter.
While I can’t say what effect this might have on the War in Gaza, this does suggest that part 2 of these changes will be easeful- and hopefully bring greater connection, beauty, balance, & coherence to your world.