Mars Cazimi: Reigniting our Passions

When Mars, the planet of desire, will, and action, meets up with the Sun on Friday, November 17th at 25 degrees of Scorpio, we are reconnected with our heart’s deepest longings and the drive to move towards them.

Simultaneously, Mars and the Sun form a supportive trine to Neptune, a planet about our hopes and dreams.

This aspect reminds us that we HAVE to be brave and go after what we want.

If we don’t, we might miss out on living the life we want.

Usually, the fear of missing out isn’t necessarily a good reason to do things.

However, when fear stops us from following what most inspires us, we are no longer acting from a place of life, but from a place of death.

If we don’t courageously strive for our visions, not only will we lose the opportunity to celebrate our wins, we won’t be allowed to mourn our losses.

If we don’t courageously strive for our highest hopes, not only will we miss out on achieving them, we’ll miss out on failing them.

If we don’t courageously strive for that which stirs our soul, not only will we miss out on a more beautiful world that could have been, we won’t have the chance to be heartbroken.

Two sides of the same coin, sorrows and defeats are also lands worth visiting, just as much as victory & attainment.

We may not strive for what we yearn for because of the stories we attach to them if we fail.

If we fall short, we think we’re unworthy. If we lose, we think we’re not good enough. If we veer off-course, we think we’re bad.

The thing is, we don’t fail by losing- we fail by never trying.

Swim in the seas of desires a bit. Dare to be disappointed.

Are dreams exhausting? Yes. Can they be discouraging? Yes.

But dreams are food for the soul.

And like a predator chasing their prey, I feel compelled to keep going.

Like debris in a river, I know no other choice but to keep flowing.

What is it that stirs the subterranean waters inside you?

What are you so hungry for that you won’t stop searching, lest you starve?

If anything, the Mars Sun conjunction in Scorpio will remind you of the slow-burning fire inside of you as its embers blaze deeply in your center, lighting the way forward.