Mars conjoins Uranus

Today, on January 20th 2021, Mars conjoins Uranus. We’ve been feeling this energy already since Mars entered Taurus on January 6th. Be careful of overdoing, taking risks, or breaking free from something too soon. Impulsiveness is high. Maybe the chains you see around you are really boundaries, there to keep you safe.

Perhaps there’s a way to obtain creative freedom and self-expression while also sticking within the lines. Where’s the fun in games without any rules? Where’s the beauty of art without any form? How can we experience the human heart without a body? Perception is key.

Give yourself a little bit of permission to step outside the box, but don’t go wild. Remember what you’re working for. Remember that structure and systems are useful. They may need renovating, but they’re necessary all the same to achieve what you want.

If anger unexpectedly pops up, go into it, experience it, and give it a voice, as long as it doesn’t hurt others. What we resist persists. What we let exist eventually passes, as all other life forms.

While it’s not the time to make sudden changes, this aspect could illuminate that things indeed do need to change. Below are some questions to consider:

Instead of acting out impulsively, how can you transmute stagnant energy?

What can change look like while we continue holding onto the bones of what we’re working towards?

How can we welcome new energy without giving up everything we’ve built beneath us as our foundation?

If your foundation is old or outdated, how we can make transitions that serve us that don’t also shake our nervous systems too deeply to feel unsafe?