Venus is heading into her 2nd conjunction with Pluto on December 25th, this time RETROGRADE.
The first exact conjunction was December 11th, but Venus has been within a tight orb of Pluto since December 3rd and will remain so through January 3rd.
When Venus, goddess of love, beauty, connection, unity, peace, joy, pleasure, sweetness, women, and agreements comes into contact with Pluto, lord of the underworld, we begin to deeply question all things Venusian. Our allegiances, contracts, and terms with others may have started to feel like they are of life or death stakes, a very serious feeling indeed. This is because what was previously swept under the rug is now being cleaned out, which could feel like cause for alarm, especially if you don’t have systems in place or the necessary skills to deal with conflict, have hard and honest conversations, or simply look at the truth of the matter.
We are biologically wired for relationships. They have literally meant life or death for us historically and still do today. However, Pluto reminds us that our connections mustn’t be faulty; that our bonds not be based on lies. Pluto demands that our motivations be pure, and that when in relationship, we are showing up with our whole honest selves, not with who we think others want us to be or ways in which we think we’ll receive more love.
We may have also started investigating our self or society-imposed beauty standards and leisure activities. Ask yourself: Do you feel attractive? Do you like your body? Your aesthetic? Do the same things still bring you pleasure and joy? If not, why? What feels good? Inquiry is powerful, just like Pluto.
We may also come up against previously hidden power dynamics, micro aggressions pointed towards women, or subtle control tactics to attract. That’s Venus’s job- to attract. And when paired with Pluto, the strategy to bring something we want to us can become twisted, contorted, and hidden from plain sight; even secret from ourselves. Be mindful of accidentally manipulating- or being manipulated by others, especially those in more powerful positions than you.
Venus is about how we all get along and build consensus- both prerequisites to connection and relationship. Pluto unearths. When these planets come together, we unearth ways in which we can all better get our needs met, be heard, collaborate, and communicate what we need to feel connected. This may be uncomfortable at first, difficult, and antithetical to our nature (especially if you’re a conflict-averse person or don’t feel safe enough to be yourself or to be honest). But, it’s a necessary process to deepen our bonds with others and ultimately have more satisfying relationships with others.
Think back to November 16th- for it’s the territory we’ve covered since then that we are revisiting.
Retrogrades bring reversals of fortune, delays, revisiting moments in the past, and time to reflect and ultimately redo. Now that Venus is retrograde, reversals regarding relationships are in order. So, if things have been “going well” it could be that skeletons are coming out to be properly dealt with. If you’ve already hit rock bottom, perhaps the only other direction to go is up and out.
Additional themes that may have emerged are addiction, betrayals, secrets in love, lies, money, adultery, and sex.
You may revisit or reflect on an old relationship. There could be delays or setbacks to an agreement. Perhaps you repay someone a large chunk of money or get paid back. Maybe your sense of attractiveness is being rediscovered or you’re learning what it means to have fun again. It could be that you’re becoming more aware of micro aggressions, social injustices, or violence against women, inspiring you to get politically active. Maybe a woman in your life is going through a difficult time or your relations with other women in your life are strained.
Whatever it is, a Venusian metamorphosis is underway. Come March 3rd, we’ll emerge from our cocoon as the butterfly we always were, more beautiful and light than we were before, despite the birthing pains we went through.
If you have personal planets or points between 25-28 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, or Aries, you’ll be more impacted by this Venus retrograde.
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