Jupiter conjunct Chiron and Mars square Neptune: the courage to heal

Yesterday on March 10th, Jupiter, planet of growth and healing met up with Chiron, an asteroid about where we have a wound.

This could have resulted in a pain being amplified. Or, it could be a time where we put some balm on it, where healing can occur.

If you are Aries, Libra, Capricorn, or Cancer rising, this energy may be more pronounced. Similarly, if you have personal planets close to 14 degrees of those signs, this energy may be more felt.

Simultaneously, Mars, god of war, anger, and conflict is approaching the 3rd and final square with nebulous Neptune on Tuesday, the 14th (as the Sun and Mercury conjoin with Neptune a day after, adding to the confusing flames).

Neptune, in a square aspect, can often create confusion, deception, or delusions.

This could create the following situations:

-an old wound from the past flairing up by a recent situation

-feelings of anger arising (often covering up hurt) and not knowing what to do

-someone being upset with you but not telling you (or vice versa)

-healing from a recent conflict but being confused on next steps

-flare-ups in the body

Mars is also a planet about our desires and how we pursue them.

Thus, these transits could bring up confusion around what you want. Depression or anxiety could increase around this time as well.

These murky waters can clear the more time we sit with them & curiously explore.

With Mercury, god of the mind and communications, approaching Neptune and a square with Mars, communications could get sharp and foggy.

This is a GREAT time to check yourself on thinking errors that lead to suffering, misunderstandings, and miscommunications.

If there’s some hurt, ask yourself whether it’s the current situation or if ghosts from the past are visiting. Maybe it’s both.

What does mending look like?

On top of all of this, Venus, goddess of love and our values is squaring Pluto, lord of the underworld, on Thursday March 16th.

Some open and direct conversations may be necessary regarding agreements in relationships, how we feel valued (or not), or the pain that arises when desires don’t match up.

It’s hard to be honest when we feel hurt but that’s exactly what these transits are inviting us to do.
