Maturity, Endings, and Boundaries in Relationships

We have a New Moon forming in Aquarius today (Saturday, January 21st) as Venus, goddess of love, beauty, and joy conjoins with Saturn, lord of boundaries, maturity, and hard work, tomorrow (January 22nd).

Thus, this New Moon may be related to new beginnings in relational dynamics or with regards to pleasure, art projects, or collaborations.

This might be related to Venus’s recent contact with Uranus or not. If you were feeling up and down in relation to someone last week, this transit may provide the stable energy to talk about things, to agree on new rules or boundaries, or perhaps to end things.

Saturn is a planet about trials and lessons. We may be put in a position to grow in our relationships and pleasure-pursuits through a variety of ways.

For instance, having a heart to heart about hurt feelings or needs in relationships isn’t always easy, but it brings an intimacy that not much else can match.

Or, maybe it’s time to put in longer hours or more effort into a passion -get more serious about it.

Perhaps you become inspired to get really minimalistic, keeping only the things that inspire you or that you really love.

Or, maybe it’s time to go deeper in with someone- commit to something more serious. After all, Saturn represents that which brings satisfaction through time and age, like a fine wine.

Whatever it is, we are starting a cycle of cultivating a more mature relationship to others, to our pleasure-pursuits, and to how we grow beauty in our lives.

How can you do this, step by step?

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