Electrifying Conversations and Minds

May 8th:

Mercury conjoins Uranus in Taurus

This is a big day! Mercury, the messenger of the gods, joins Uranus in Taurus on May 8th at 8:23am (Mountain Time). As mentioned in previous posts, Mercury represents how we communicate, think, speak, listen, write! Anything to do with communication is up Mercury’s ally. Uranus’s duty, on the other hand, is to elevate our consciousness in service to humanity’s progression. Uranus disrupts, radically changes, electrifies, shifts where shifts are needed. When Uranus aspects the any of the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), we may be startled, but oftentimes the disruption is for the best in the long term. Uranus disrupts to renew; to reset when things might have gone off course. This could manifest in a few different ways: first off, you could have a rather electrifying or unusual conversation with someone today where your ideas about something radically change. You could also have sudden insight or a “download” of information into your psyche so that something that was hidden or foggy for you suddenly becomes clear. Maybe you have a sudden ingenious idea! Perhaps you say something to someone that you didn’t mean to say- it just slipped out- oops! (Be careful there- Mercury can be a trickster). Maybe none of these things happen and you are just extra alert and mentally stimulated or have insomnia. Uranus can be literally electrifying, sometimes even anxiety-producing. If it’s near one of your personal planets either by transit or in your natal chart, you may experience *uranian* symptoms regularly, depending on where it’s placed and other planets its aspecting.

Later on in the evening, the Sun in Taurus forms a sextile to Neptune in Pisces at 8:52pm Mountain time. A sextile in this instance means that the Sun is 60 degrees away from Neptune in a chart. Sextiles are aspects of ease and flow. This is a beautiful time to relax, maybe have a glass of wine, or find some artistic outlet that doesn’t require a lot of work. The Sun in Taurus is inviting you to work hard for sure, but also to enjoy the fruits of your labor. With Neptune in the mix, mainly enjoying the fruits of your labor in a relaxing, Neptunian fashion. Maybe listen to some music, play music, go see live music (if you’re not getting ready for bed). Take a bath before bed! Follow your inspiration. Is there an art project that you’ve been “too busy” to play on? This would be a good time. Motivation is NOT high to work on things you don’t want to work on. Productivity will come during the weekend, but for now, follow your heart and your intuition. Let the romance of life take you away (but be careful to not let yourself get too taken away to the point of losing all discernment).
