Communication Halting

May 1st:

Today is interesting because Mercury in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini and Mercury also squares Saturn in Capricorn. These are kind of opposite energies. Mercury represents how we communicate, think, speak, listen, write! Anything to do with communication is up Mercury’s ally. Aries is the sign of the ram- it likes to do things quick and directly. The ram charges! Aries is also the very beginning of Spring and he likes to get started on things as quickly as possible- he’s eager to get things growing--sometimes a little too quickly. You may have noticed having too quick of a tongue today only to be shut down by Saturn’s slow, steady, and reality-checking pace. Saturn, the sign of “realities”, of boundaries, of hard work and duty. With Mercury squaring Saturn later on in the day, the energies swiftly change from perhaps wanting to speak or connect in some way impulsively to being made to speak and connect slowly and with integrity. You may have felt inhibited in your speech or in your communications. There are boundless ways the energies could unfold.
