Full Moon in Taurus: Indulge Yourself

The Full Moon is happening on Tuesday, November 12th 2019 at 6:34am Mountain time at 19 degrees 52 minutes of Taurus. Full moons are times of culmination, completion, pinnacles, and peaks. Taurus is a sign associated with hard work and hard play. It’s an earth sign, represented by the bull. The bull was used to work in the fields. Thus, Taurus is no stranger to hard work. But, being a Venus-ruled sign, Taurus is no stranger to luxury, relaxation, and enjoyment too. Taurus is associated with earthly things, the physical world, and the sensual pleasures experienced by the body. Taurus season is also during the middle of Spring when the natural world is in full bloom. Abundance is everywhere and no one is lacking for food. Being in the middle of a season gives Taurus a fixed nature; an immovable force. Endurance is Taurus’s strength; rigidity can be its downfall.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus, meaning, she’s treated as an important guest. The Moon likes to be fed, nurtured, taken care of, and adorned. She knows she’ll get what she wants and needs in Taurus’s domain. The trick is not to take Taurus’s generosity too far. The Moon represents our habits and emotional needs; that which we do unconsciously to feel safe and secure. There can be a tendency for the Moon to go too far in the comfortable den that Taurus provides by eating too much of Taurus’s food, drinking too much wine, lounging around in the beautiful and calm environment that Taurus provides.

Bask in the delight of these tangible pleasures, but be careful not to take it too far. This could be a time that you enjoy a meal so much so that you have a stomach ache later. You might enjoy drinks with a friend and suffer a headache the next day. There’s potential to feel truly abundant, but be careful not to spend what you do not have. This can also be a great time to connect with the land. Taurus has to do with agriculture and plants, which is another reason the Moon loves being in Taurus so much. In ancient times, everyone planted their seeds according to the phases of the moon. Some still do! Get out and go for a hike or work on cleaning up your garden to prepare for the spring. Be outside if it’s warm enough. But most of all, enjoy this lovely energy and indulge, just a little.
