Laura Godenick Astrology
Gaining wisdom and insight through the archetypes of the planets
No one really knows how old Astrology is. We’ve been looking to the stars for answers probably for as long as humans starting walking on two feet! Western Astrology, however, originated in Mesopotamia (modern-day Greece) around 2,000 BCE. Some say that Astrology is an ancient form of divination that gives us messages from the heavens about our karmic path. Whatever it is you believe, Astrology can be used for a variety of purposes. It can help us understand themes about a person’s life including their character traits, history, home life, purpose, challenges, instincts, passions, and more. It can even tell you about the other people in your life like your family, friends, and partners. An Astrology chart is not only a blueprint for understanding one’s life, but it also helps us understand what influences are underway, and ahead, and how to prepare. Astrology can be used to answer spontaneous questions of the moment or to plan the most auspicious time to initiate something such as apply for a job or get married. I offer a variety of Astrology readings. See what I offer here!
Astrology functions under the assumption that every moment of time is unique and has a particular quality, which is represented by the location of the planets at that time. So, the moment you were born shows us not only what sign the Sun was in at the time of your birth, but also where the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were as well. The symbolic map that shows us where all of the planets were at the time you landed in this world is called a birth chart.
A birth chart tells you about your life, other people in your life, the archetypal themes that you will experience throughout life, and when they will happen.
The Sun: represents your essence- who you know yourself to be, and where you shine.
The Moon: is your instincts, emotional patterning, and the environment of care in which you grew up in
The Rising or Ascendant: this point indicates the face you show - the first impression you give others.
Mercury: This clever planet represents your mind and how you communicate.
Venus: how you love, how you attract, and what you value.
Mars: how you take action and how you fight.
Jupiter: this is the planet of what you believe and where you’re fortunate.
Saturn: where your ambition lies as well as struggles you face through tests and trials.
If you’re interested in looking at your birth chart, click here. You need to know your date of birth (day, month, year), where you were born (city, state, country), and the exact time of your birth, down to the minute if possible. Usually, you can get this time from your birth certificate.
I’ve been studying Astrology intensively since 2018 and have been a practicing Astrologer since 2019. I’ve had several teachers including Anne Windsor, Kelly Surtees, Adam Ellenbaas, and Christopher Renstrom, for whom I wrote 2021 zodiac sign forecasts on his website. I have also been employed as an Astrologer on the Nebula Astrology app. Currently, I offer a variety of readings, I do a bi-monthly YouTube video on the planetary energies underway, and I write Astrological content that I publish on my Instagram, which you can find by searching @laura_reads_stars.
As a Virgo Sun, helping others is important to me. While understanding your nature through your birth chart can be inherently healing, we also need the skills and resources to overcome self-defeating patterns and heal from trauma so we can be our best selves and live more fulfilling lives. I am also a therapist (CSW) exactly for this reason, with the ultimate goal of combining Astrology with therapy. It is my hope that you’ll leave a reading with me feeling seen and heard, understanding yourself better, and knowing how to better work with the planetary energies that govern your chart and that have a big influence over your life!
Apart from astrology, I am also passionate about dancing, music, creativity, self-expression, embodiment, healthy cooking, and learning. As a Gemini rising, I am curious about anything and everything and sometimes run into trouble by stretching myself too thin. However, I am working on being as compassionate to myself as I am with others while still holding firm boundaries. I hope you’ll join me for a consultation. Together, we can find the treasure that is hidden in the map of your birth chart!